
Spinal Healing – Rhonda, USA

Spinal Healing – Rhonda, USA

I have been working on healing a major illness for many years. One of the last things to clear from this illness was an invisible chronic back pain (all images taken were normal and healthy) but the pain persisted. During my dieta at The Garden I had a really amazing clear vision into my abdomen area and saw what looked like a coal mine with two dirty miners working away. They even had on hard hats and carried pick axes. In front of the men was a container like a wheel barrow it was full of what looked like black ash with chunks of these sharp black objects that look similar to burnt wood shards. Once I had taken in all of the detail of this scene I was seeing, one of the men frustratingly said to the other “What a Mess!!” and he took his tool and tapped my spine with it then more of the black ash fell out of my spine and into the wheelbarrow. I had a really hard time trying to feel my way through this situation. I was quite horrified by my “dirty spine” but I asked the mother ayahuasca to continue to help clean out the area that had been causing me so much pain. Then came an epic purge!

After the ceremony Carlos the curandero suggested that my friend Michael would have the tools to help clean that area for good so he asked him to do a massage/energy session on the area of my back that was effected. To my surprise I was able to move pain free after that evening.

At this momemt I am still processing this healing (lots of emotions are connected). But I am happy to share this experience with you and so far the pain has stayed away. I encourage you all who take this journey to go in without expectations and let Ayahuasca do her magic, you will ultimately be surprised and moved by the outcome. May all be well.

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